What a wednesday !

Nothing special actually, just like the usual routine....

Woke up at 7.00am and had heavy breakfast.....

3 hotdogs wrapped with 2 roti canai and some mustard and tomato sauce. It may sound awful combination but it taste great ! Then had this 1 day vegetable juice which tasted more like a tomato juice with a weird taste.... unexplainable !!!

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At least I don't need to worry about eating 1/3 kilos of vegetable a day.

Then went to college in time and brought myself there a ...

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good ol' A&W Root Beer (not the whole mug but the 355ml can - chilled)... I remembered that it was pretty unpopular among Japanese ,so I thought of letting my classmate give a sip or two of the good ol' American soft drink...

As expected from their reply, the good ol' Root Beer tasted like...
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Rootbeer = Crayon + Pain Relief Patch

That means they have once tasted crayon and pain relief patch throughout their life. How sick that can be !!! WHO IN THIS WORLD WOULD WANT TO EAT SUCH THING !!!! Want to follow the west but cannot even stand sipping root beer.... Better go fly kite and start wearing more yukatas to college than wearing Jeans and try to act mat salleh. Well at least their sour face lasted throughout the day....the taste lasted in them.... No matter what, you drink ur stupid Asahi Beer and ended up in lokap for fiddling woman's butt in the subway because ur dead drunk while I play safe with the good ol' Root Beer....

Then lunchtime had to do some draughting...which is 70% completed.... looks simple but it is TOUGH !!! After 3 hours ordeal breaking the 0.3mm and 0.7mm pencil lead drawing some mechanical part, then it's time to give some English conversation practice to

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a friend of mine (which the picture above is really him).... Well he is already good but still need to improve his listening skills... He still doesn't know the difference of pronunciation between Light and Right which ends up like this...

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How interesting the Japanese university students can be.... This proved that the pride ridden Japanese Education in English is a BIG FLOP...

Then as night falls, the rain stopped...and took a picture from my balcony with my new SLIK Able 300ST Mini (which is freaking short !!!) and my 2nd sweetheart.... She gave me a big smile tonight where the result was like this ...

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Oh boy, she just got more beautiful after the "surgery"....

Love you, Goddess of Mercy... @ Kannon @ Canon *cium cium*


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