100g beef = ??? pounds ?

I retract what I posted yesterday evening , i.e. I spent 100 yen on Friday.... After the post, I had to buy pepper, garlic powder , plastic cling film, snacks and 2 cups of Haagen Dazs Green Tea ice cream (hard to resist) which landed me a cost of 2141 yen.

Prepared the hamburger after a few months keeping my fingers away from playing around with the beef (it gets quite messy in the end). Anyway, the beef was a lil pinkish.....


That indicates....

I'm using....

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Cannot be!!! 700 yen/ 700 grams is way too cheap for a Kobe Beef.... but I suspect it is a Japanese beef....

WHY ???


Australian beef is a lil darker than the Japanese counterpart....

like this
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and this

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as opposed to

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I think so....

After 1 hour wrestling with oil, cow's fat and minced meat, spices etc... and got my hands a lil oily and "mooeie" . However, the final product was...

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Yummm......(once it is cooked) but it didn't melt in the mouth like the real Kobe beef...
.For the sake of making the burger photogenic , I minus-ed off the tomato sauce, mustard, and lettuce..

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Anonymous said…
japanese cows in australia is same colour and taste if same grade. They are also same colour.

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