Al-Wadud - The Most Loving, The Most Affectionate

Well, just to share something which I found from a Muslimah's blogpage and I'd like to share it with you all.

Updated 25th October 2007 , 22:37

I finished watching this one hour show and I fell into tears after reflecting what he said. It reminds me of how parents love me and God is loving us despite our disobedience and arrogance. It reflects my bad attitude towards my parents in the past. I'm sure it applies to all of you.

God's love is incomparable and exceeds our mind yet we belittle Him by doing forbidden things, and having pride in it, worshipping other than God, and doing corruption on this earth. Despite our disobedience, God still loves us and wants us to go back to Him. He doesn't need your worship because the heaven and the earth and everything in between worships Him.

But he wants you to follow His path for your own good. He made this earth with full of love so that we all can benefit from it. Like the cow, which provide meat to eat, milk to drink, skin to keep us warm and the male one to bring us from one place to another. Yet, we worship other than Him.

It reminds me of how parents love is like. They give you everything, food to eat, good clothes to wear, good room to live and good education yet they don't ask a single cent from you. What they want from you is to be obedient and have high moral standards for your own good and for you to pass on to the later generations. Yet, we shout at them, being disobedient towards them, and having pride in it , yet we don't realise.


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