A point of reflection in Ramadhan

I was reading Psychology and relating it with Islam... I took Psychology as an elective subject in my 2nd year and I realised that it is something I've learnt back in my primary school through Islamic Studies. It was about Sigmund Freud's theory of "Self" in terms of Ego, Super-ego, and Es. In relation to that, Islamically we have Hawwa (desire), Nafs (ego and/or soul), Shaitan (Devil), Akal (mind) etc.

With some readings of Pyschology in Islam, I realised it is more complex than the simple Freud's theory of Self... In the end, Islamic studies isn't about theology, but it covers psychology, physics, environmental studies, chemistry, biology, nature studies and long list to go where it is sourced from the Quran and Sunnah.

In Islam, there is no such thing as adolescence but why it happens because I think living in a secular world, one's soul is continuing the search for truth by changing one's self every time. That is what I understand from what I went through in life.

Now my regret was that I didn't buy book about Psychology and Islam by brother Jeffrey Lang.... =(


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