Bahasa Melayu boleh dikembalikan ?

Tengok cuba versi Bahasa Melayu, boleh dikarang atau tidak boleh dikarang. Sudah hampir 7 tahun tidak pernah menulis apa-apa di dalam Bahasa Melayu sejak di bangku sekolah. Sejak mempelajari A-levels, Bahasa Melayu cuma digunakan di tahap perbualan dan pembacaan surat khabar. Tetapi, realitinya ialah bahasa di rumah dan di sekeliling saya adalah Bahasa Inggeris. Bahasa Melayu pun, sedikit sana-sini dari segi perkataan yang susah dijelaskan di dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

Sejak datang ke Jepun, bahasa baru dipelajari. Maka, bahasa Inggeris kurang digunakan dan bahasa Melayu ? cuma sekali sebulan atau dua atau tiga ? Itupun bila bertemu dengan pelajar Melayu di Jepun seperti di Osaka atau Kobe atau Kyoto, tetapi selain itu kebanyakan berbahasa Jepun atau Inggeris. Kalau ingin nak meluahkan perasaan, biasanya di dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Bahasa Melayu lebih kepada kegunaan rasmi atau untuk bersembang dengan orang yang jarang berpengalaman dalam Bahasa Inggeris.

I tried my best, but I still can't express myself in Malay Language.... If it is something official, I might be able to do it. But if I were to use expressions or have words with expressions.... I think I'll have to stick to English or whatever language that suits me best. Of course there would be some hints of Malay words....


Unknown said…
This is indeed a problem - not just to you, but to me as well. I recall, one day there was a meeting involving the 'executives' of the association of Malaysian students, and with me being the first to get the ball rolling, I decided on using the standard Bahasa Malaysia to convey my thoughts and ideas. It did not take long for someone to knock me out though, saying 'tak payahlah cakap macam tu' (there's no need to use formal language), and eventually the meeting was carried out in a speaking manner you would normally find in a casual chatroom, despite it being a rather serious one. It is quite surprising to know that not even us Malaysians really know how to respect the language and use it properly when it is supposed to be used that way, and I believe there are still plenty of us who would struggle to form a proper Bahasa Malaysia sentence when being asked, so much for boasting 'Bahasa Malaysia is indeed our mother tongue' all this while.
Ayz Pujangga said…
bro...let me ajar u the BM, malaysian style...hehe. good try, but a lil tooo direct translation. nvm, learn little by little. :)

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